As an entrepreneur, the only quality you require to make your goals a reality is persistence. During the course of your business, you may be facing various stumbling blocks. But, if you are persistent and persevere for achieving your goals, you are on the right track and you are sure to achieve your goals . You may also commit mistakes, may be, in taking decisions, in executing your plans, or in your judgments. But, if you adopt a flexible approach and correct the wrongs, you can put your plans back on the right path. Persistence gives you success and the self-confidence you gain out of the success will immensely help you in accomplishing bigger goals. Hence it is always suggested to break your big goals into achievable smaller ones and each small accomplishment will take you one step nearer to your bigger goal. All successful people possess this attribute of persistence as their strongest ammunition. The steely resolve to progress in their endeavors and achieve what they target is ...