
Showing posts from 2009

A Good Sleep May Improve Your Learning

A Good Sleep May Improve Your Learning

Now It Is The Turn Of Marx To Sneak Into Vatican

Now It Is The Turn Of Marx To Sneak Into Vatican

Is Your Brain As Fit As Your Body?

Is Your Brain As Fit As Your Body?

Basic steps to get pregnant

Basic steps to get pregnant

Have A Website. Reach Out To More Customers.

Have A Website. Reach Out To More Customers.

Douse The Inferno

Douse The Inferno

Bald Men. Here is a Good News

Bald Men. Here is a Good News



What do you need to succeed---just thinking or critical thinking

What do you need to succeed---just thinking or critical thinking

Walking Is The Queen Of Exercises

Walking Is The Queen Of Exercises

Obama Keeps Up His Promise. A Cautious Step In Drug Policy.

Obama Keeps Up His Promise. A Cautious Step In Drug Policy.

Advice to pregnant women

Advice to pregnant women

Primary headaches

Primary headaches

Gokhale, the not-so-acclaimed Guru of Mahatma Gandhi.

Gokhale, the not-so-acclaimed Guru of Mahatma Gandhi.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem in Your Child

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem in Your Child

Obama and the Summer Olympic Games of 2016

Obama and the Summer Olympic Games of 2016

Exercises, Physical Health And Beyond

Exercises, Physical Health And Beyond

Simple tips for losing weight

Simple tips for losing weight

Traits of successful people

Traits of successful people

Book-reading Makes Our Lives More Meaningful.

Book-reading Makes Our Lives More Meaningful.

A Revolution In Avionics.

A Revolution In Avionics.

Come to grips with the menace called "alcoholism"

Come to grips with the menace called "alcoholism"

Adolescent girls require a healthy diet

Adolescent girls require a healthy diet



Common-sense tips for share trading

Common-sense tips for share trading

People of the Book, a Gripping Novel

People of the Book, a Gripping Novel

Ocean warming and Sea level rise

Ocean warming and Sea level rise

Beijing, After Olympic Games

Beijing, After Olympic Games

Online Matchmaking

Online Matchmaking

The DNA of Success in Careers

The DNA of Success in Careers

Success within your reach

Success within your reach

Students can tap their unlimited potential by keeping fit.

Students can tap their unlimited potential by keeping fit.

Make Your Trip A Pleasure

Make Your Trip A Pleasure

Have A Good Sleep

Have A Good Sleep

Have A Good Sleep

Have A Good Sleep

Jewellery As A Gift

Jewellery As A Gift

Plan Your Holidays.

Plan Your Holidays.

Web Design - Focus on Simple Things

Web Design - Focus on Simple Things

Soccer, The King among Sports

Soccer, The King among Sports

Care Your Car.

Care Your Car.



How to cope up with a transitional stage

How to cope up with a transitional stage

Plan to win.

Plan to win.

The silence of the wheels

The silence of the wheels

Are you able to see some life in the US economy?

Are you able to see some life in the US economy?

Beating The Retreat--Obama Style

Beating The Retreat--Obama Style

The world is greying fast.

The world is greying fast.

Chemical mixtures and human health

Chemical mixtures and human health

Looking Younger

Looking Younger

China, Yuan And The ASEAN

China, Yuan And The ASEAN

Do You Have A Market To Sell?

It is a known fact that recession has hit global economy and it may take some time before the economy regains its missing verve. The situation warrants a major change in the mindset of the entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs should now find out what the customers want and should stop focusing on what they have to offer to the customers. As an entrepreneur, you may have been doing business for decades, but the present marketing trend is purely customer-centric. Hence you should find out if your products or services have that element which meets the requirements of the customers. If the requirements of the customers are not met, you must modify the products accordingly. This amounts to say that you should have a market to buy the products you offer for which you produce or procure the products. In other words, finding out the market comes first before having a product and searching for the market to sell. To quote an example, I was selling apartments built by a leading construction company. T...

Plan Your Marketing Techniques

You are an entrepreneur, you have a product to sell and what are your plans to get customers? There are several ways to do marketing. Some of these ideas may help you to launch your marketing campaign: 1. If your business is small, you can engage in a direct marketing campaign. Keeping a couple of marketing executives to do the marketing is enough in the initial stages. Once the business grows, you can think of expanding your marketing team. 2. You can use advertisement services of the media like newspapers, journals, magazines, and also electronic media like Television, Radio, etc. 3. If the business is a large one, you can resort to dealer marketing. You can appoint dealers for distributing the products in different areas where you think you have large concentrations of customers. 4. The modern day trend of franchising is very useful in selling your products. Franchising is a win-win concept. You succeed when the franchisees succeed in their businesses. You train the franchisees ...

Doing Customer-centric Business

Day in and day out, we hear businesses that proclaim from roof tops of their low and unbeatable rates, impeccable service, best possible quality, etc. But, do these advertisements end up in more sales? The answer is a big "MAY NOT"'. Customers have become very smart. They want to know what they get out of purchasing the product. Customers have requirements of their own. Your products should fulfill their requirements. Hence your sales efforts should be more customer-centric and your advertisements should speak loudly that their requirements are being taken care of by your products. The only way to understand customers' requirements is to listen to them intently. The plan for studying the requirements of customers should be a dynamic one. You can not adopt a uniform strategy with all the customers because their requirements vary. When there is so much competition around, innovative and unique strategies should be adopted for satisfying customers. You should also be ...

Business and Ethics

As an entrepreneur, sometimes, you may be forced adopt austerity measures for managing the finances of the company or there may be so many allurements that you may be tempted to make compromises on the quality of the products you manufacture or to terminate the services of some of the existing employees so as to increase profits. The situation may demand your immediate decision and the easy and simple way out may be to make such compromises. But if you are steadfast in observing ethics in your business, you may be equipped with the far-sightedness to foresee such eventualities and may have taken the appropriate steps that may free you from such tricky situations. Some people may argue that business and ethics can not go together. This is not true. If you respect values in life, you will definitely understand that ethical business will definitely give you the leverage of peace of mind in doing your business . To understand the situations in the right perspective and consider ethical d...

Competition and Customers

If you start your business without doing research on the market potential of your products or services and the strategies you are going to adopt for marketing your products, you are heading for failure. This market research should not be limited to finding out the market potential alone but it should cover the prevailing competition. The strengths and weaknesses of the competitors should be thoroughly studied and this will give you enough inputs to evolve your own strategy. Customers have many sources to choose from and hence only if you are unique in your own way and have an edge over your competitors, you can win over the customers . Competition comes not only from manufacturers and dealers of the same products but from those who have equivalent products. Competitors may be following a particular strategy to market their products. Therefore you should study their strategy, how they impress their customers, their pricing patterns, support services, if any, offered by them to the cus...

Persistence, The Great Propellant

As an entrepreneur, the only quality you require to make your goals a reality is persistence. During the course of your business, you may be facing various stumbling blocks. But, if you are persistent and persevere for achieving your goals, you are on the right track and you are sure to achieve your goals . You may also commit mistakes, may be, in taking decisions, in executing your plans, or in your judgments. But, if you adopt a flexible approach and correct the wrongs, you can put your plans back on the right path. Persistence gives you success and the self-confidence you gain out of the success will immensely help you in accomplishing bigger goals. Hence it is always suggested to break your big goals into achievable smaller ones and each small accomplishment will take you one step nearer to your bigger goal. All successful people possess this attribute of persistence as their strongest ammunition. The steely resolve to progress in their endeavors and achieve what they target is ...

Rise Like A Phoenix

Statistics show that more than 60% of the businesses face closure within 3 years of the start. What is this due to? In spite of your best efforts, your business may fail. Failure of the business is not a disease but it is just a symptom of a hidden malaise, which has to be diagnosed rightly. Failure of the business should not be a disturbing factor but if you become inactive due to panic, then it is wrong. You should explore avenues to correct the situation and rise again like the proverbial Phoenix. Failure might have occurred If you have not bestowed enough attention to the business. You suddenly woke up to find unacceptably low sales. This means that you failed to monitor your sales, customer base, customer satisfaction and morale of your employees. The situation hence went from bad to worse. Had you ascertained why sales were plunging and taken remedial measures, such a situation would not have arisen. You might have also failed to keep your employees motivated and inspired enough...