The Secret of Success, Demystified
When asked as to what has helped them achieve success , successful people may come out with various answers. But when asked this question, Dan Kennedy replied, “I get asked this question a lot… and my answer disappoints most people… “ I do not like answering the question because any answer is a lie by omission. But, if I must, the answer is NOT the collection of more and more information (although that’s useful and a behavior held in common by exceptionally successful entrepreneurs) — it is implementation." He hastens to clarify, “But even this is complex. Action andimplementation are not synonymous, anymore than activity and accomplishment are… everyone is active. To implement means: to put a decision, plan, strategy, etc. into effect. That means there is action tied to strategic purpose, and there is something DONE… Put into effect. “ Implementation is the conversion of inspiration, idea, and already known + gathered information into accomplishment.” In short,...