A Serendipitous Discovery That Helped Me Overcome My Anxiety Problem
During the 1990s, I was an unhappy person. In fact, I was so unhappy that I used to wonder if my life had any meaning. I still remember how I would wake up in the middle of the night and spend the rest of the nights worrying - worrying about my future, worrying about my past and the mistakes I had committed, and worrying about my unfulfilled dreams. This had been going on until 1995. One fine day, I decided that enough was enough and I should put a stop to my worrying nature. If I did not do it, I would go insane, I thought. But I did not know how I should go about this. It was then I serendipitously discovered a formula that would help me lead a worry-free life . It was not that I hit a jackpot and got troves of money that would solve all my financial woes. Neither did I get a magic wand that could drive out all the issues I was facing. But it was a chance meeting with one of my acquaintances that helped me make the discovery. I was having a casual chat with this perso...