Can You Reverse Engineer The Winning Ways Of High Performers?
That every individual is unique is backed by loads of research findings. This being the case, a question arises as to whether you can emulate or reverse engineer the winning ways of successful performers. Before answering this question, experts make it very much clear that they are not making any dogmatic suggestions that you should embrace all the ways of these high performers. On the contrary, you should use your cerebral faculties to choose only those habits or ways you think are suitable for you. In fact, these experts hasten to add that it is enough if you incorporate only the following three common habits into your life. Let us dig a little deeper into these. 1. Succumbing to the gravitational power of your bed even after the alarm of your bedside clock rings is dreadful and bubonic. Further, as soon as the alarm rings, your body begins secreting Cortisol, the wakefulness hormone. Waging a war against this hormone and trying to continue your sleep will make y...