Manage Diabetes, The Right Way

The number of people who are getting affected by diabetes is increasing alarmingly. Perhaps, only by imparting knowledge and education among people, this trend can be arrested. The problem with diabetes is that it can lead to many other terrible health complications like heart ailments, kidney problems, obesity and so on.

There are two types of diabetes and among them, type 1 diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus can not be cured at all. But, people who are affected by type 1 diabetes can be educated to manage their lives suitably. Of course, they need to be administered with insulin daily to control blood glucose levels but despite that, if they learn to control the problem, they can live near-normal lives.

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled easily. But, for this, the patient should be steadfast in adopting judicious diet and exercises regimens. These diet and exercises regimens can be adopted even by people who are affected by type 1 diabetes for managing their problem. Whether you are affected by type 1 diabetes or type 2 problem, you can follow these steps to manage your disease.

- The most important point is that you should eat your meals at regular timings. If you foresee an inevitable delay in eating your meal, you should eat something at the specific hour. A famous doctor who is an expert in treating diabetes advises his patients to have two biscuits and a cup of tea if their meal is delayed.

- You should also maintain regular intervals between your meals. By doing so, you will be able to maintain the levels of your blood sugar.

- Drinking a good amount of water daily is a very important step that should never be ignored. Bad breath is a common problem that may haunt diabetes-affected people. To overcome this, they are advised to take sips of water as often as possible.

- Your meal must consist of more of fiber foods including fresh fruits and vegetables. It is better to eat a fruit that has more sugar content in it than eating foods like sweets, cakes, pastries, ice creams and other sugary items. But, eating such fruits should not become a habit.

- Processed foods should be totally avoided. They contain chemical preservatives which can not easily be processed and digested by your system. Your digestive organs will be over-strained if you eat these foods. You should also avoid take-away and junk foods.

- You must stop drinking excess quantities of alcoholic beverages. Your blood sugar levels will shoot up if you drink these beverages excessively.

- You must eat a balanced diet that contains good carbohydrates, good fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Of course, you can have your "cheat meals" once a week to satiate your craving.

- If you have the habit of eating snacks between meals, you can have salads, fruits, nuts and seeds instead of fried items.

By following the above steps, you can lead a normal life and need not be afraid of diabetes and other health complications that may be caused due to it.


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