Getting Back To Your Old Job May Be A Bold And Wise Decision

If you have quit your job for taking up a new position in another company and found that the new position does not satisfy you, it is definitely a very tricky situation. You may even think of returning to your old job. But, at the same time, you may not be sure if your decision to try to get back to your old job is a wise move or not. That is the reason you should bear in mind a few points during a change of job.

- The foremost point you should never ignore is that wherever you work, you should maintain an excellent rapport with every one. This means that even when you leave the job for taking up a new position in another company also, you should do so on the best terms. However diligently you have made inquiries about the new company or whatever may be your research about the new position, you can not be fully aware of the job environment and also about the people with whom you will be working. So, it may turn out to be completely different from what you expected.

- Since you have left the previous job in the best of terms, you need not hesitate to contact your old company for getting rehired there. But, assuming that the company will readily hire you back is wrong because the position may have been filled up. Even if the company is willing to take you back, you should know whether they will take you in the same position. You should also consider all the positive and negative points of joining the old company. Since you have left once, they may have doubts about your commitment towards the company and you should take into account this important point also.

- You should prove to the company that you left the company for a reason and after reconsidering, you are convinced that coming back to the company again is a wise decision. Only if you convince them that it is a wise move to rehire you, they will be willing to take you back. You should also convince them that your commitment to the company is in tact and you are ready to work still harder and with more enthusiasm. Since you have resigned on good terms, you will not find it difficult to discuss the matter freely and with an open mind with those in the helm of affairs of your old company because your aim is to convince them that rehiring you is a good decision.

- You should also keep abreast of things that have been happening in your old company. Continuing to keep in touch with your old colleagues will help you to keep track of things. You can use the power of sites like FaceBook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. to keep in touch with your old colleagues. If your bonding and friendship with them are good, you can accomplish your aim of getting back to your old company easily.

- It is always better to meet the boss in person and request for rehiring you. Direct contact is better than sending "feelers" or approaching through some other channels or friends.

- You should never make a decision without weighing the pros and cons of getting back to the old company. A hasty decision will spoil your peace of mind and your development.

- If you think that rejoining the company is not a prudent decision, you should keep your other options open. You should revisit your strategy and look for another job. It is a smart alternative plan because you should not "fall from the pan into the fire" by rejoining your old company.

Raman Kuppuswamy writes excellent articles on various topics. Kindly visit and read his articles on various other topics.


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