How a Great Copy Can Lift a Company from Abyss

It is often said that even businesses that stare at a grim future and that are at the bottom of a deep ravine can also be revived by a great copy. This means a competent copywriter can be an enabler who can help the businesses come out of the abyss. 

When you want to know what 'effective copywriting' is, you may come across many interpretations. In fact, freelance writers also say that they want to make a switch to copywriting because according to them, if they are able to write capably, they can write copies as well. But not everyone can write a great copy. There is empirical evidence to prove that only a few people have natural abilities to craft great copies but others have to work on themselves which means they should learn the skills and keep practicing what they learn.

There are a number of courses that offer training as well as materials that can teach how to write a great sales letter. But copywriting is much beyond writing sales letters. A well-written sales letter need not have heavy-handed and over-abundant sales language. Unfortunately, many copywriters use such a language in their copies. The fact is there are a few steps that help in achieving success in copywriting. Remember the old aphorism, "success loves organized steps." Copywriting companies like make it a point to stick to these steps. 

Use the benefits of the products for effective promotion

If the product for which you intend to write a copy adds value or helps a customer by solving a problem or fulfilling a need, you can use this benefit for crafting your copy. Of course, there may be many other products that offer such a benefit. But you should explain how your product is better than all of them. In other words, the copywriter should understand all the benefits a product can bestow so he can enlighten the audience in such a manner that customers who read the copy automatically relate to those benefits.

Use the weaknesses of your competition

You must know how the product stands out from other similar products. Once you know where your competitors' products lack, you can tell the audience about it. Potential customers should know that by buying the competitors' products, they may be committing a great blunder. This step involves a lot of research because you must know how the competitors' products are inferior to yours. But at the same time, you must be realistic in your comparisons.

Study your audience

If you think that the whole world will be seeing your ad or read your copy, you are terribly wrong. There is a particular audience for every ad and copy. You, as a copywriter, should identify the best placement so you can be certain that your target audience will read your copy or see your ad. For example, putting up your ad in a wrong place may not get you any results.

Only by knowing fully well about your customers, you can decide how you must craft your copy or ad and where you should place them. Of course, you need not do an in-depth study as a detective does but you should know at least the basic profile of the customers you are targeting.

Clearly explain W.I.I.F.M. or "What's In It For Me?"

When you try to promote a product, the primary question every customer will ask is "What's In It For Me?" So, you should explain the special offers, discounts or rebates or provide the information that may be useful to the customers. Customers should know that the product you are promoting will make their life easier, may help them make some good saving, may save their time and so on. Remember, your product is not as important as its ability in bestowing the benefits on customers or in fulfilling their needs. In short, your copy or ad should reply to the customers' question of "What's in it for me?"

Focus on your customers and not on your company

You must focus on the customers and tell them the benefits they will get by buying the product. On the other hand, if you focus on your company in your copy or ad, no customer will be interested in reading the copy or seeing the ad.

Avoid giving T.M.I. or "Too Much Information"

The message in your ad or copy should be crisp which means you must avoid giving more-than-necessary information. Experts suggest the K.I.S.S. rule. K.I.S.S. is nothing but "Keep It Simple, Stupid."

Add a "call to action" to your copy or ad

If customers do not act on your copy or ad, what is the purpose of crafting them? This means your copy should contain a call to action. There should be a 'sense of urgency' also in the call to action. 

Never exaggerate any benefits and don't make false claims

This is dangerous. Customers always want to deal with honest companies and if you exaggerate the benefits or make false claims in your copy or ad, you will be found out soon. Once you lose your credibility, you cannot achieve success in your copywriting efforts.


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