That You Have to be Perfect to Succeed Is a Debilitating Myth

The other day I was reading an article on Harry Browne, a presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party in the 1996 and 2000 elections. The article provided a host of information about him and it contained his Self-Eulogy as well. I am reproducing it here. 

Harry Browne wrote this and he wanted it to be read when his funeral services were held.

"Setting Your Sights

As I look back over my life, I can see so many ways in which
I could have done things better than I did, and I certainly wish
I'd learned a lot of things sooner than I did.

And yet I have enjoyed a wonderful life. I'm married to the
ideal woman. I have had the good fortune to be associated in
business with highly competent, honest, compatible people.
I've had a book that was #1 on the best-seller list, and others
that sold well above average. I've had first-class friends in many
different areas of my life. I've been able to live in three countries and
enjoy the best the world has to offer. I was honored to be the
Presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party.

To have made so many mistakes, and yet to have had so much.
It proves that you don't have to be perfect to succeed.

When I die (if ever), I'd like the epitaph on my tombstone to read:

"I didn't do everything I wanted to do,
I didn't become everything I wanted to be,
But because I aimed for the stars,
I reached the top of the world."

I don't advise being careless or sloppy. I do advise that you
hold fast to your beliefs and act in the best way you know how--
but then forgive yourself whenever you fail to measure up to
your standards.

You will never be perfect. But you can be free and happy.

I hope you make it."

~Harry Browne

Though the entire piece is a classic, I consider two points very important. 

The first one is that you need not be perfect for achieving big. You have to aim for the sky and such a high aim will take you to great heights though not up to the sky-high level.

The second important point is that you should never, never forget the fact that YOU ARE NOT AND CAN NEVER BE PERFECT. In fact, not only you but no one can be perfect. Being so, it is naive and foolish to expect that others should be perfect and others should not commit mistakes. Everyone including you will certainly commit mistakes. Some mistakes may be small and a few others may cost heavily. Nonetheless, a mistake is a mistake, whether it is small or big.

Greatness lies in accepting our mistakes. Greatness also lies in accepting people as they are. When you are not ready to change yourself for the sake of others, how can you expect others to change for your sake? Remember that life can be led peacefully only if you are ready to make compromises. If you are not willing or ready to be resilient, it is better you go in search of an uninhabited island. 

If you bear this in mind and lead your life, you can certainly have peace even in the midst of chaotic situations. You can scale great heights as well.


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