Solve All Your Problems with This Single Prescription.
Do you have a scarcity or "have-not" mentality? If so, you may not be ready to believe that you can earn large amounts of money. Similarly, if you are in the habit of worrying about everything, you will never believe that there are people who are always happy regardless of the difficult situations they face in their lives.
What does this mean? This means that you are focusing on the wrong things. In the first instance, you are choosing scarcity instead of abundance. In the latter case, your focus is on difficulties and not on solutions. So, what is the remedy for this? It is by changing your mindset and focusing on the right things, you can have abundant wealth, enjoy great health, be happy always, and so on. Never forget the fact that what you focus on keeps expanding. But what are the ways to change your mindset?
Hang around only those folks who are positive-minded.
You should make it a point to hang around positive-minded people only. You may say that this is not possible because more than 75% of the world's population live just ordinary or below-normal lives. Not all these people may be completely positive-minded. This being the case, hanging around only positive-minded folks may just not be possible.
You are right but at the same time, you can be positive-minded even in the midst of these people. When these people lament or describe the struggles they face, you can change the channels of your mind and tune in to a "positive" channel. The human mind is like a powerful machine in which you can switch channels. There are a few "melancholy" channels in your mind. Black these channels out so that you can view only the "happiness" channels. From the "scarcity" channel, you should shift to the "abundance" channel. Just change your thoughts and hurray! you have shifted to the right channel.
Feed your mind only with "happiness" inputs.
According to Napoleon Hill, one of the greatest self-improvement gurus, the human mind is analogous to fertile land. If you sow good seeds in such a piece of land, you can see good plants sprouting out. If you do not sow good seeds or if you allow the land to remain barren, unwanted weeds will start growing in it. Similarly, if you plant good and positive thoughts in your mind, you can reap unimaginably rich benefits. On the contrary, if you plant negative thoughts such as those that are focused on "scarcity, unhappiness, or anxiety," you can never get rich and can never be happy. In other words, by changing your thoughts, you can change your life.
For example, if you want to become rich, you should not only feed your mind with inputs about richness such as experiences, knowledge, and information about abundance but should be generous as well. From shifting your focus from "penny-pinching" to being generous and giving to the needy, you can get rid of the scarcity mindset and improve what is called "the abundance mindset." Similarly, if you aim to be happy, feed your mind with "happiness" inputs. So is the case with good health and so on.
Worry, anxiety, unhappiness, and scarcity mindset can never solve your problems. Not only that, you will be harming your emotional health as well. Once you become emotionally unhealthy, it will not be possible for you to enhance the quality of your life and that of your family. So, instead of focusing on these negative "weeds," recollect how you have survived set-backs in your life and come out unscathed.
Be mentally strong.
This is easier said than done. But if you follow a few suggestions, you can improve your mental strength. These suggestions are from a book entitled "13 things mentally strong people don't do" authored by Amy Morin, who has undergone horrific struggles in her life. Her suggestions are:
i. Learn to accept outcomes. Only then, you can move on even after a calamitous situation. You will be wasting your time and energy if you keep brooding over adverse outcomes and constantly thinking that it would have been better if the outcomes were different.
ii) Think through the facts. If you analyze the situations with the right perspective, you will realize that the issues you face are not really bad.
iii) When seemingly gloomy situations confront you, dispense with your prejudices, delve deep, and study contrary points. This will help you look at the real facts.
iv) Limit or stop media watching. No one is aware of the future and this includes the media as well. If you are in the habit of watching the media or the news stories several times a day, you must stop it forthwith because day in and day out, media channels are bombarding people with negative news stories.
v) Stop commiserating If you keep complaining about the difficulties you face, you will feel worse and gloomier.
vi) Focus only on those things that you can control. There are several things that are not under your control. But certain things such as doing your daily exercises, eating healthy foods, and planting only good and positive thoughts in your mind are under your control. So, focus on them for changing your mindset.
vii) Never argue. Arguing is waste of time because the person or people with whom you argue will not change their opinions.
Apart from the above, learn healthy and workable coping skills. Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, listening to soothing music, etc. belong to this category. Most importantly, never expect that others will be grateful to you for your acts of kindness or help, if any, they have accepted from you.
Great advise! Nice work!