What Is The Secret Of The Most Successful People That You Can Emulate?
Experts who have undertaken a thorough study of the ways of the most successful people point out that there is one secret that has catapulted these people to such an enviable level. If you know this secret and adopt it diligently, you can achieve success also. Let us find out more about this.
It is not that the highly successful people have been achieving success after success in all their endeavors and that they have never tasted failures. In reality, they have committed mistakes and failed many a time as well. After all, they are also normal human beings. There is nothing extraordinary about them. Nor all of them are prodigies or geniuses. So, there may be several occasions during which they may have faltered. But they do not allow these setbacks to upset them or discourage them. Instead, they study their setbacks and find out the reasons that have caused them. They vow to themselves that they will never commit the same mistakes ever again.
For example, an athlete who is training for a big event can feel so low on a few days that she may be reluctant to train on those days. But she cannot afford to be constantly low on energy or enthusiasm because she has set her eyes on a huge goal. This means she will find out why she has less energy on a few days. Perhaps, she may not have eaten the right foods the previous day, or her plans during the previous day may have gone haywire. Once she finds out the reason, she will ensure that her diet and training plans go according to her schedule. Only then, she will be able to achieve the huge goal she has set her eyes on.
Another classic analogy is how the decision-makers of organizations go for negotiating deals. If they do not plan or prepare suitably before their negotiations, they can never clinch the deals.
In short, the secret that differentiates highly successful people and normal folks who lead average lives is preparation and planning. As David Kekich says in his Kekich Credo, "Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation."
So, if you want to achieve big in your career or life, ensure to do effective preparation. By "effective," it is meant that your preparation should be purposeful and relevant to the goal you have set. In other words, your preparation should help you move towards your goal and not wean you away from it.
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