How Can You Focus On Your Work Even When You Face Difficulties In Life?

If it is said that life is a roller-coaster ride, it may resonate with almost everyone including you. In fact, for some of you, this ride may be quite wild. Of course, how people cope with the tribulations of the ride depends mainly on how they are able to stay calm during such periods. Unfortunately, if you do not learn to stay calm when you suddenly face difficult challenges, your entire life can get torpedoed. 

Now the big question is: How can you stay calm during such situations? The characteristic traits of every individual are unique and so, there cannot be a one-size-fits-all formula for this. Nonetheless, there is a prescription that can help every one of us surmount those situations without causing much damage to our life journey. You can learn this particular step by having a peek into the life of Joannie Rochette, a bronze medalist in skating at the Winter Olympics held in Vancouver in 2010.

Two days before the finals, Joannie lost her mother. Her mother had been the pillar of her strength throughout her entire skating career. Joannie got devastated and she then had to decide whether to take part in the finals or quit. Joannie decided that she would take part in the finals. 

The crowd watched with bated breath as she skated on ice that day. According to her coach, her performance that day was her best ever. Once she completed her part, her pent-up sorrow erupted fiercely and she started sobbing uncontrollably. That she earned a bronze medal was immaterial because the standing ovation she got from the crowd was deafening. 

Now, what was it that helped Joannie go ahead and win the hearts of millions of sports lovers all over the world despite the overwhelming adversity that confronted her? It was known as "compartmentalization." This mental tool that provided Joannie with incredible resilience can help every one of us as well. Thanks to this tool, she could focus on her activity even in the midst of such a serious distraction. In the same manner, every one of us can stay calm, focus, and accomplish great things in our lives even when seemingly insurmountable challenges such as the death of a dear relative, divorce, family troubles, etc. confront us. Compartmentalization blocks other distractions or troubles from affecting our minds. 

Now, more about compartmentalization. Remember that this tool will not take away your troubles. So, your sadness when unfortunate things happen may continue to haunt you. But you block these distractions from negatively impacting your work, performance, and activities. This means you will be able to "be present" while carrying out all your work. Of course, you can allocate specific compartmentalized time periods for brooding over your problems or for feeling sad. 

It is not easy to use this tool. But if you practice consistently, you will be able to keep your adversities aside so that you do not get paralyzed by them and focus on what is important in your life. 


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