Here Is The Key To Leading A Smooth Life

Who does not want to lead a smooth life? But when it comes to the question of adopting the right strategies for achieving this aim, no one seems to be willing. Or at least, not everyone is ready to embrace all the necessary steps. This means they may follow a few steps and leave the rest. The problem is that if you do not adopt all of them, you cannot avoid leading a stormy life. Though these steps vary according to circumstances, there is one indisputable step that may help you in achieving your aim of leading a smooth life. This step is called "Accountability."

Of course, the topic of "Accountability" may not be "sexy" to discuss because no one likes to be accountable to others. But unfortunately, every one of us has to be accountable to someone or a few others in our lives. When you are young and studying, you are accountable to your parents, teachers, and all those who help you in your studies. Similarly, once you get married and have a family of your own, you are accountable to your spouse and children. From a broader perspective, you are accountable to society and the country in which you live. Almost all civilized people will accept this. In fact, those who do not accept this are worthy of being called "weasels." Not only that, the absence of the factor of accountability in life will turn out to be its Achilles Heel. Now the sixty-four-dollar question is: How can you use this ingredient of "accountability" to lead a smooth life?

In this context, you must never forget the fact that you are not an ascetic living in the mountains. You are living in this mundane world. Day in and day out, you may be facing various types of situations. You may not face any issues on some days. On a few other days, your energy level may be low or you may run into unforeseen problems. So, what is the way out? The way out is very simple if you always remember the most powerful step for leading a smooth life and that is "accountability." In fact, if you add this ingredient to your life's mix, amazingly, you will find that the solutions that satisfy the clauses of this ingredient are the perfect ones to tide over the difficult situations you are facing. An additional and more important benefit will be you will be able to harness your full potential and focus on really vital aspects of your life.

On the other hand, if you ignore the aspect of "accountability," your decisions may be wrong and the situations that may arise due to your wrong decisions are certain to collide with your aim of leading a smooth life. The best-laid plans you have made in your life may go awry as well.

Let us take a practical example to explain this. Suppose you are employed with an organization and your immediate boss always tries to find fault and harasses you. You are likely to get frustrated. You may even think of quitting the organization. It is when you should remember that you are accountable to your family. You have to support your family members and fulfill all their needs. If you quit your job, how can you support them or how will you pay your bills? Even if you are confident of landing another job soon, what is the guarantee that you will not face a similar situation in your new organization? 

In short, if you add this ingredient to your life's mix, you are more likely to make the right decisions. This will ultimately help you in leading a smooth, if not tranquil, life.


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