Doable Tips to Get Rid of Anxiety
In the movie "Meet Joe Black," Joe, played by Brad Pitt, visits a hospital where he comes across an elderly and sickly woman. He interacts with her and "Obeah mon; I gonna die" are the first words the Jamaican woman utters on seeing him. To this, he replies "Obeah evil; I no evil." You may wonder what the word "obeah" means. According to African spiritual traditions, the word indicates evil. Though great philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates, Thoreau, and Emerson have profoundly dealt with the concepts of "what is evil and what is good," the word "evil" comes with a lot of subjective interpretation. But we, despite our naivety, can easily say that in the present-day context, nothing can be more evil than anxiety attacks . Such attacks have become quite common and are intruding into our lives more powerfully than ever. The harshest consequences of these attacks is that they harm us both physically and mentally. In fact, they a...