In the movie "Meet Joe Black," Joe, played by Brad Pitt, visits a hospital where he comes across an elderly and sickly woman. He interacts with her and "Obeah mon; I gonna die" are the first words the Jamaican woman utters on seeing him. To this, he replies "Obeah evil; I no evil." You may wonder what the word "obeah" means. According to African spiritual traditions, the word indicates evil. Though great philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates, Thoreau, and Emerson have profoundly dealt with the concepts of "what is evil and what is good," the word "evil" comes with a lot of subjective interpretation. But we, despite our naivety, can easily say that in the present-day context, nothing can be more evil than anxiety attacks.
Such attacks have become quite common and are intruding into our lives more powerfully than ever. The harshest consequences of these attacks is that they harm us both physically and mentally. In fact, they are the greatest drivers of stress. Stress will deter you from making decisions rationally and accomplishing your goals. In addition to failing in your efforts, chances of you feeling guilty over your failures may become high as well. This is a vicious cycle because your stress and frustration will keep increasing to such a level that there will be conceivable dissipation of your energy and enthusiasm. In short, anxiety attacks and the resultant stress can hijack your life itself.
This doable step can do wonders.
One of the main reasons for anxiety attacks is the uncomfortable feeling that you have a number of unfinished or half-finished tasks on hand. Especially, if you have such a feeling as soon as you wake up in the morning, you can almost be certain your whole day is wasted. The feeling clearly shows also that you have not made use of the "prioritization principle" in the right manner. Remember, if you do not prioritize your tasks according to their urgency and importance, you may be squandering your time on non-urgent and unimportant things. The result is when urgent and important tasks actually stare you in the face, you will find that you are much behind the schedule. This may cause anxiety. In order not to suffer from this attack, you should make it a point to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.
The best time to undertake this "prioritization task" is just before you retire for bed everyday. You can prepare a to-do list for the next day or the next week based on this prioritization principle.
Set your wake-up alarm 15 minutes earlier than the usual time.
You will not become sleep-deprived if you get up 15 minutes earlier than the usual time. By taking this step, you will be able to complete a number of tasks before you get ready for your day's work. If you particularly focus on doing the most difficult task during these fifteen minutes, you will get several ideas to finish it quickly and without hassles. Even if you are not able to finish the task fully during that time, you will have confidence that you will be able to complete it on time. Keeping difficult tasks unfinished can cause a lot of anxiety and so, taking this step will do a world of good to you.
Accord the utmost importance to self-care.
Self-care is very important because if you do not eat the right foods or if you do not exercise regularly, you are likely to face health issues. There are heaps and heaps of evidence to prove this. Health issues will complicate things on every front of your life and so, your anxiety attacks may become more frequent. So, you should never skip your work-outs nor should you binge on unhealthy foods.
The above steps are easily doable. Apart from helping you beat anxiety, they will help you move ahead in your chosen path smoothly, steadily, and confidently.
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