Prioritize Or Perish

Even highly successful people cannot boast that they always have good days. This means they have bad days as well, perhaps more infrequently than those who achieve average success. You may wonder what "good days" and "bad days" mean. Good days are those on which you successfully complete all the tasks you have planned. Bad days are those on which nothing works out and whichever task you undertake remains incomplete or does not move an inch from the point of its start. Have you ever given a thought why, on certain days, you are not able to carry out the tasks you have planned despite all your sincere efforts while, on some other days, you are able to complete your tasks? To put the question differently, why do you feel completely satisfied with your performance on certain days while it is quite the opposite on some other days? Let us try to find out the answer to this question.

The question obviously leads to another question. That is: "Are you good at organizing your tasks reasonably well?" Organizing the tasks means prioritizing them according to their importance and urgency. Of course, gathering all the information and all the necessary tools or ingredients for carrying out the tasks is important as well. Almost all successful people are good at both prioritizing and having all the information, materials, or ingredients readily available with them before they begin their tasks. Remember that no amount of hard work will fetch you the desired results unless you carry out tasks in an organized manner.

Unfortunately, 80% of people living on this planet do not prioritize their tasks nor do they do things in an organized manner. This is perhaps the reason why the number of successful people is very small compared to those who struggle to taste success in their endeavors.

So, if you want to succeed in life, prioritize your tasks according to their urgency and importance. More importantly, ensure to have all the information, materials, tools, and ingredients required for the tasks with you before you begin the tasks. If you thus prioritize and organize your tasks, you are certain to succeed. Otherwise, tasting huge success in your life will continue to remain as a pipedream.


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