Bury Your Goals And Succeed

Almost everyone including those who have embraced renunciation and those of the mundane type has goals. Since every individual is unique, the goals of people vary also. Unfortunately, not all people achieve their goals. You may wonder why the number of people who fail is much higher than those who are successful. This post may throw light upon this phenomenon and show how to achieve success

Is having goals good or not?

Having goals in life is certainly good. But will it alone get you the success you aspire for? The answer is a resounding "No." You may now ask: "Then, why the heck experts including the troglodytes and the contemporary gurus are asking us to have goals in life?" According to them, if your mind consistently focuses on your goals, you will hit upon ideas to achieve them. But the reality is completely at variance with what they opine.  

Why are you not getting results despite your focus on your goals?

You have great ideas. You do not fail to seize whatever opportunities that you stumble upon. You make your decisions quickly. In addition, you check the progress of your efforts as well. Despite all these, the results you see are far from satisfactory. You are mystified as well as dismayed as to why this should be so. By innuendo, you conclude that something is wrong with your approach and that is why you are not getting the results you are aspiring for.

The reason for not getting the results you are desirous of is this: You always keep focusing on your goals. Even while carrying out your tasks, your focus remains on your goals and not on your tasks. The result is that your actions are not completely perfect. On the contrary, if you entirely detach your mind from your goals and focus only on your actions, your actions will be perfect and will yield the right results. 

It is true that you should have goals and that you should be steadfast in achieving them. But the crux of the matter is: "Actions and actions alone can get you success." So, bury your goals in the bosom of your subconscious mind and keep taking the required actions with complete focus. In short, you should shift your focus from your goals to the actions you take.

You have been focusing on your goals all these years and so, you will find it difficult to shift the focus. Of course, it is hard to break such habits but it is not impossible. You have to consistently practice and very soon, you will find it easy to concentrate fully on your actions instead of focusing on your goals.


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