How Can You Become a High Performer?

Does everyone think your performance is below par, be it in your workplace, sport, vocation, or other sphere? To put it differently, have you not achieved the high-performer tag yet? What can be the reasons for this? Have you thought of any plans to correct the situation and improve your performance? If you have no clue as to how to go about it, here are a few ideas to become a high performer.

In the book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey puts "being proactive" on top of the list of habits of high-performing successful people and rightly so. Several experts have corroborated this. This means if you want to be a high and effective performer, you have to be proactive. For example, if you have a team meeting the next day, you should be ready with all your presentations the previous day itself. So is the case for a sports meet, an event, and so on. In short, being proactive and preparing well for your activities is the key to being an effective performer. 

How to prepare effectively?

Now the question is how you should prepare effectively. Remember that not all the activities of your meeting or event will be easy. There may be a few tough tasks. You should accord top priority to these difficult tasks and complete them first. If you are a morning person, you can take up these tasks during the first few hours of your morning because your mind will be fresh then. If you prefer working during the night just like a nocturnal owl, your night hours may be suitable for completing difficult tasks.  The key is to finish all the tough tasks at those times when you feel your efficiency levels are the highest.

This advice comes with a warning.

Affording the highest priority to tough tasks and completing them when your efficiency level is at its peak is very good. But here is a warning. If you get distracted during those hours, you are doomed. You should NOT, repeat NOT, succumb to temptations such as checking your Inbox, Whatsapp messages, the latest news, etc. during these hours. You should avoid making phone calls as well. In short, your work should be completely free from distractions. Only then, you can remain focused so your output will be the best. You can prepare for your team meetings or other important events in unimaginably efficient ways. This will ultimately lead to high performance at your workplace or in any other activity you are involved in.


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