
Reinvention Can Be the Key to Success

Can you be obstinate and stick to your old ideas? To this question, experts emphatically avow that you cannot afford to be. Things and more particularly, technological developments are happening at a meteoric pace and so are trends. If you stick to your old ideas, you will be branded a clumsy conservative. Further, you will not be able to get the results you desire to have. Competition is fierce in every field and reluctance to change will spell doom to your personal and career growth . Only IQ-challenged people, perhaps out of their naivety or due to their stupidity, will refuse to heed the advice of experts. Please read on to know a little more about this topic. The step of adapting to changing trends can be described with a single word spelled " Reinvention ." You have to reinvent yourself. You have to think of and embrace ideas that suit the new trends. Only then, can you move ahead and get the results you desire to have. Here is a classic example. Before the advent of ar

Are You Mismanaging Your Day?

Of all the mistakes people commit, the worst can be the mismanagement of their days . The result of this mistake can be so profound that it can ruin their lives. This post intends to help everyone check if they are managing their days judiciously and if not, how to eliminate ruthlessly those wrong things they do. They need not take radical steps. Instead, they have to embrace the "Kaizen" mindset to stop taking incorrect steps that lead to the mismanagement of their days. How to find out if you are mismanaging your days? If you cannot complete the tasks on your to-do list at the end of the day or you feel that your output is below your expectations, it shows that you have not managed your day wisely. Though there can be several reasons for this, the most important can be you have not planned your activities properly. Even if you have made a plan for the day , you have not executed the plan effectively. What can be the most appropriate way to start a day? The most effective pr

How Can You Become a High Performer?

Does everyone think your performance is below par, be it in your workplace, sport, vocation, or other sphere? To put it differently, have you not achieved the high-performer tag yet? What can be the reasons for this? Have you thought of any plans to correct the situation and improve your performance? If you have no clue as to how to go about it, here are a few ideas to become a high performer. In the book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey puts "being proactive" on top of the list of habits of high-performing successful people and rightly so. Several experts have corroborated this. This means if you want to be a high and effective performer, you have to be proactive. For example, if you have a team meeting the next day, you should be ready with all your presentations the previous day itself. So is the case for a sports meet, an event, and so on. In short, being proactive and preparing well for your activities is the key to being an effective

Quit This Habit To Become A Millionaire

"Do you want to become a millionaire ?" You may say "Who doesn't want?" My next question is: "If you want to become a millionaire, are you taking the right steps towards achieving this? Have you ever done an introspection to find out if your current habits are helping you in your journey? If not, what is/are the habits should you get rid of?" Experts firmly opine that if you want to amass wealth, you should quit a particular habit. Do you want to know what this habit is? Please read on. You may say "I am working hard for 40+ hours a week but my financial status is not improving at all." This statement reveals that a particular habit is sabotaging your journey. The fact is that you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of folks toil and toil but they do not achieve huge success . What is the reason? The reason is that these folks, like you, are not planning and preparing for their journey. They haphazardly lead their lives. There is no doubt ev

The Success Paradox

You may be a well-read person or may have very high skills. But do your knowledge and skill guarantee success? History even from the time of troglodytes reveals that high talent or wisdom does not guarantee success .  On the other side of the spectrum, some people may achieve stupendous success even though their knowledge and skill levels pale compared to those you possess. Why this success paradox? Let us try to find out. You should first know the ingredients of success. According to conventional-minded experts, hard work with a sense of purpose will get you success. On the contrary, modern gurus opine that you need not work hard but should do smart work to succeed. Regardless of what experts opine, you need to know the reason for the huge success of a few less-skilled people and the average lives of those highly skilled and knowledgeable folks. Why such a difference in the lives of these two groups? Researchers, like you, have always been wondering about this paradox. So, they embark

Bury Your Goals And Succeed

Almost everyone including those who have embraced renunciation and those of the mundane type has goals. Since every individual is unique, the goals of people vary also. Unfortunately, not all people achieve their goals. You may wonder why the number of people who fail is much higher than those who are successful. This post may throw light upon this phenomenon and show how to achieve success .  Is having goals good or not? Having goals in life is certainly good. But will it alone get you the success you aspire for? The answer is a resounding "No." You may now ask: "Then, why the heck experts including the troglodytes and the contemporary gurus are asking us to have goals in life?" According to them, if your mind consistently focuses on your goals, you will hit upon ideas to achieve them. But the reality is completely at variance with what they opine.   Why are you not getting results despite your focus on your goals? You have great ideas. You do not fail to seize wha

Prioritize Or Perish

Even highly successful people cannot boast that they always have good days . This means they have bad days as well, perhaps more infrequently than those who achieve average success. You may wonder what "good days" and "bad days" mean. Good days are those on which you successfully complete all the tasks you have planned. Bad days are those on which nothing works out and whichever task you undertake remains incomplete or does not move an inch from the point of its start. Have you ever given a thought why, on certain days, you are not able to carry out the tasks you have planned despite all your sincere efforts while, on some other days, you are able to complete your tasks? To put the question differently, why do you feel completely satisfied with your performance on certain days while it is quite the opposite on some other days? Let us try to find out the answer to this question. The question obviously leads to another question. That is: "Are you good at organizi