
Showing posts from 2023

Is There An Easy And Cool Way To Become Rich?

You may be holding an important position in your company, pursuing a profession, or running a business. But being a cog in a company even if it is large or just getting along in your profession or business is not enough to get rich . Of course, there are a few so-called experts out there who may advise that you should slog still harder to get rich. But fortunately, there are experts who have a different perspective altogether and who say that it is not necessary that you should spend long hours on your work and slog to become rich. According to them and rightly so, there is an easy and cool way to acquire riches. Let us dive a little deeper and find out more about it.  1. Do a focused study to find out what interests you the most. There may be a few things that may interest you. You should do a purposeful and focused study to find out the niche that interests you the most. You should acquire as much knowledge as possible about the niche. Remember that this cannot be a one...

Doable Tips to Get Rid of Anxiety

In the movie "Meet Joe Black," Joe, played by Brad Pitt, visits a hospital where he comes across an elderly and sickly woman. He interacts with her and "Obeah mon; I gonna die" are the first words the Jamaican woman utters on seeing him. To this, he replies "Obeah evil; I no evil."  You may wonder what the word "obeah" means. According to African spiritual traditions, the word indicates evil. Though great philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates, Thoreau, and Emerson have profoundly dealt with the concepts of "what is evil and what is good," the word "evil" comes with a lot of subjective interpretation. But we, despite our naivety, can easily say that in the present-day context, nothing can be more evil than anxiety attacks . Such attacks have become quite common and are intruding into our lives more powerfully than ever. The harshest consequences of these attacks is that they harm us both physically and mentally. In fact, they a...

Crisis Survival

Everyone including you may certainly have faced crisis situations in your lives. But being intrepid souls, all of us strive hard to navigate and come out of those treacherous and doozy situations. Of course, mastering the art of weathering these storms is a theoretically ideal situation as it is a highly daunting task. It is during such circumstances you receive different types of suggestions from various quarters. Unfortunately, not all those who intrusively provide you with suggestions are positive-minded. Some of the suggestions may sound pretty apocalyptic. The suggestions these naysayers shamelessly and euphemistically call 'advice,' may fill your imagination with gloomy images such as failure, losses, etc.  If you belong to the hoi polloi, you will become hostage to the menace of negativity and so, will start feeling as if you are sinking into the melancholy swamp. On the contrary, if you belong to the polar opposite side, if your credentials say that you are ...

How Should You Tackle Problems?

Life is a cocktail of problems and happy situations. But though no one wants problems, everyone seems to have them. This is very much true and as real as the feeling of the earth you walk on. We all wrongly assume that rich people remain untethered to problems. But even if a person has amassed wealth and is lounging on such a comfortable cushion of money, you cannot assume that he or she has no problems. The person will certainly have issues that are typical of such rich people. From this, it is pretty evident that some people face incredibly acute problems, and the problems of a few others may not be that serious.  Regardless of whether they are serious or not when the solutions to the problems appear to be ever elusive, they strangle our peace of mind. Before we realize that the wolf is waiting at our door, our enthusiasm may start plummetting. Never forget the dense connection between whatever happens in our life and our attitude. So, the question is how you should tackle the...

Here Is The Key To Leading A Smooth Life

Who does not want to lead a smooth life ? But when it comes to the question of adopting the right strategies for achieving this aim, no one seems to be willing. Or at least, not everyone is ready to embrace all the necessary steps. This means they may follow a few steps and leave the rest. The problem is that if you do not adopt all of them, you cannot avoid leading a stormy life. Though these steps vary according to circumstances, there is one indisputable step that may help you in achieving your aim of leading a smooth life. This step is called "Accountability." Of course, the topic of "Accountability" may not be "sexy" to discuss because no one likes to be accountable to others. But unfortunately, every one of us has to be accountable to someone or a few others in our lives. When you are young and studying, you are accountable to your parents, teachers, and all those who help you in your studies. Similarly, once you get married and have a family of your...

How Can You Focus On Your Work Even When You Face Difficulties In Life?

If it is said that life is a roller-coaster ride, it may resonate with almost everyone including you. In fact, for some of you, this ride may be quite wild. Of course, how people cope with the tribulations of the ride depends mainly on how they are able to stay calm during such periods. Unfortunately, if you do not learn to stay calm when you suddenly face difficult challenges, your entire life can get torpedoed.  Now the big question is: How can you stay calm during such situations? The characteristic traits of every individual are unique and so, there cannot be a one-size-fits-all formula for this. Nonetheless, there is a prescription that can help every one of us surmount those situations without causing much damage to our life journey . You can learn this particular step by having a peek into the life of Joannie Rochette, a bronze medalist in skating at the Winter Olympics held in Vancouver in 2010. Two days before the finals, Joannie lost her mother. Her mother had been ...